• Do you take health insurance?

    We take Health Savings Accounts. We also take cash, check, Venmo, PayPal, and Zelle.

  • Why choose frequency therapy?

    Frequency is a part of every living thing. In short…it works! It’s non invasive. It’s safe. It’s promoting natural detox. It is used for every type of symptom or ailment.

  • Are the particles in the water from the unit or the person?

    If there was no feet added to the water, the unit would put out a yellow/orange tint to the water. However there wouldn’t be any particles seen in the water. Any particles found in a foot detox come from the individuals own lymphatic system.

  • What does the color of the water mean in a foot detox?

    The color can change depending on what is being detoxed. Water color change is normal and a result of the plating and components of the water itself. The color will be different in each person’s foot detox because they will be detoxing different things. Orange/Brown typically means inflammation and muscle/bone/joints that are inflamed. Red flecks can be either red blood cell detox or broken up blood clot material. Dark Green can be gall bladder detox or digestive system detox. Dark brown can be liver or cellular debris detox. White particles can be yeast or mucus. Yellow/Green can be kidneys/bladder/female reproductive area/prostate area detox. Black can be necrotic or liver detox. Black flecks can be heavy metals or blood sugars. Oil film can be fats or triglycerides.

  • Why is distilled water your recommendation?

    Distilled water is produced by steam distillation which is the purest form of water. I prefer water that hasn’t had minerals or other things added to it. Do you trust corporations to add the correct amount of minerals and a clean version? If I want to add minerals, I can. Distilled water is neutral and is void of any impurities (bacteria, minerals, pesticides, contaminants, metals, parasites). Because of the prolonged boiling process, the distillation kills all types of organisms. It also tastes delicious, pleasant, and pure. Drink half your body weight in ounces daily.

    Distilled water acts as a solvent, picking up toxins accumulated in joints, artery walls, and carries them out. Norman D Walker’s research confirms the cleansing action of distilled water leeches out contaminants. You can purchase by the gallon or bottle, or purchase your own distiller for home use.

  • Isn't Royal Raymond Rife a "quack"?

    Obviously I don’t think so. However, many pages on the internet are trying to convince you he was. In short, he was a researcher, scientist, inventor, and healer. He was definitely a threat in the 1930’s at the rise of the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry. They did everything they could to silence him, buy him off, convince his associates and friends to denounce him, and burn down his labs. That makes me wonder, what were they so afraid of? I’ll let you ponder that one.

    I am so appreciate of his life’s work and for the many other scientists to come after him to make sure his findings live on to help people heal.