Cleansing Power 36 grams (approx. 14 Tablespoons)
2 oz. Organic Herbal Tea Blend
Ingredients: Nettle Leaf, Lemon Balm, Ground Hibiscus, Cat’s Claw, Cleavers, Ginger Root, Licorice Root
This tea pays homage to Anthony William (aka Medical Medium) and all his work and passion for health. These are his favorite herbs!
This is a mineral rich, antioxidant rich tea.
This is a delicious tea and is served hot or iced.
1-2 Tablespoons of tea per 6-8 oz. of water.
Let steep for 15-20 minutes for most flavor and potency.
2 oz. Organic Herbal Tea Blend
Ingredients: Nettle Leaf, Lemon Balm, Ground Hibiscus, Cat’s Claw, Cleavers, Ginger Root, Licorice Root
This tea pays homage to Anthony William (aka Medical Medium) and all his work and passion for health. These are his favorite herbs!
This is a mineral rich, antioxidant rich tea.
This is a delicious tea and is served hot or iced.
1-2 Tablespoons of tea per 6-8 oz. of water.
Let steep for 15-20 minutes for most flavor and potency.
2 oz. Organic Herbal Tea Blend
Ingredients: Nettle Leaf, Lemon Balm, Ground Hibiscus, Cat’s Claw, Cleavers, Ginger Root, Licorice Root
This tea pays homage to Anthony William (aka Medical Medium) and all his work and passion for health. These are his favorite herbs!
This is a mineral rich, antioxidant rich tea.
This is a delicious tea and is served hot or iced.
1-2 Tablespoons of tea per 6-8 oz. of water.
Let steep for 15-20 minutes for most flavor and potency.